When it comes to selecting the best quality honey, it's essential to consider factors such as purity, source, certifications, and testing methods. GOODB is dedicated to providing exceptional honey products, and as a brand, we prioritize transparency and quality assurance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key aspects to consider when choosing honey, highlight the significance of the NMR test that GOODB undergoes at Intertek Laboratories, and provide insights into testing honey at home.

1. Purity and Source:

Choose honey that is 100% raw, pure, and unprocessed. GOODB honey is carefully sourced from pristine locations, ensuring the highest quality and flavor. The diverse floral sources contribute to the unique characteristics of GOODB honey.

2. Certifications:

Look for honey that has undergone rigorous testing and is certified for its authenticity and quality. GOODB is proud to be NMR certified by Intertek Laboratories. NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) testing is a sophisticated scientific technique that analyzes the composition of honey, ensuring its purity and authenticity.

3. Transparency and Traceability:

Select a brand that is transparent about the sourcing, processing, and testing of their honey. GOODB provides detailed information, allowing you to trace the journey of the honey from hive to jar. This transparency ensures confidence in the quality and integrity of GOODB honey.

4. NMR Testing:

The NMR test is a reliable method used to validate the authenticity and quality of honey. It provides insights into the floral and geographical origin of honey, detects adulteration, and assesses its composition. GOODB honey undergoes NMR testing at Intertek Laboratories, guaranteeing its purity and authenticity.

Testing Honey at Home:

While professional laboratory testing is the most accurate method, there are a few simple tests you can perform at home to assess honey's purity:

1. Visual Inspection:

Observe the appearance of the honey. Pure honey should have a consistent texture and color without any impurities, cloudiness, or crystallization.

2. Water Test:

Mix a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. Pure honey will dissolve easily without leaving any residue or forming lumps.

3. Flame Test:

Dip a matchstick into honey and strike it against the matchbox. Pure honey has low moisture content and should not ignite easily. If it does, it may contain added sugars or moisture.

4. Thumb Test:

Place a small amount of honey on your thumb and observe how it behaves. Pure honey should stay intact and not spread or quickly absorb into the skin. If the honey gets absorbed or feels sticky, it may contain excessive moisture or additives.

It's important to note that home tests provide preliminary indications and cannot replace professional laboratory analysis. For definitive results, seek testing from a reputable laboratory like Intertek Laboratories.

By choosing GOODB honey, you can have confidence in the quality, authenticity, and purity of the honey you consume. Embrace the journey of discovering the best quality honey and experience the delightful flavors and benefits GOODB honey offers.